Amanda Holt

Independent, Non-Executive Director

An accomplished and respected senior executive and defence industry leader, Amanda commenced her career in military systems engineering developing interoperable combat, communications and simulation systems for the Royal Australian Navy in roles at Adacel, ADI and Thales.  

She further developed her understanding of complex military systems when she joined Australian engineering and systems integration company, SYPAQ Systems in 2007. SYPAQ provided Amanda with the opportunity to work with capabilities such as naval shipbuilding, submarine systems, naval and army aviation, aerospace systems, land surveillance and autonomous Systems. Amanda was appointed SYPAQ’s Chief Executive Officer in 2015 after being General Manager, Defence and Aerospace and Chief Engineer for four years prior.  

Amanda was the recipient of the 2019 Female Defence Leader of the Year Award.  

  • Current roles  

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, SYPAQ  Member of Defence Council of Victoria  

Cyber Security Expert Advisory Panel, Victorian Government  

Co-Chair Land Environmental Working Group, Army  

Co-Chair Maritime Environmental Working Group, Navy  

  • Qualifications  

B. Eng (Aerospace)  
B. Business  

Senior Executive MBA  

  • Memberships  

Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust, EngExec, CPEng, NER)  

Member Australia Institute of Company Directors  

Member, Australian Institute of Project Management