Kym Osley AM, CSC

Independent, Non-Executive Director

Kym brings to the Board over 45 years’ experience in the Defence Force and Defence industry.  He has undertaken Defence strategic procurement and capability planning for the Defence Force as well as personally leading major Defence capability programs, including the $17B F-35 Joint Strike Program for Australia.  Kym was Australia’s senior Air Force representative to the UK, and later was the senior Defence representative in the US engaging with the US military as well as with international major Defence companies. Kym flew operationally as a fast jet aviator in aircraft including the F-111, Phantom and F-18 and commanded at all levels through to two-star rank. He was deployed to the Middle East where he directed air operations for the Coalition with responsibility for over 400 aircraft and 25,000 staff. 

In his Reserve military capacity he has also led many overseas industry delegations to engage with overseas primes and military organisations to generate export contracts. Kym also worked for six years as a senior member of the Canberra PricewaterhouseCoopers firm where he was a strategic adviser to Defence for the $270B Force Structure Plan 2020 and led a team that planned the establishment of Defence Space Command. In 2019, Kym was awarded a Defence Industry Service Commendation by the Minister for Defence for his contributions to Defence and Defence Industry over many years.

  • Current roles

Mr Osley was the most recent NSW Defence Advocate (Investment NSW) and is a non-executive director of Quickstep Holdings Limited (ASX:QHL), a member of LEOLabs Strategic Advisory Board, and is the Chair of the Australian Air Force Cadet Foundation. He also is an Air Vice-Marshal in the Air Force Active Reserves, and acts in a pro-bono capacity as Executive Secretary of the Australian Institute of Navigation, Patron of the Australian Federation Guard, and Patron of various Air Force veteran organisations.

  • Qualifications

Master of Arts – Strategic Studies

Master of Defence Studies

Graduate Diploma of Management Studies

Graduate Diploma of Military Aviation

Bachelor of Science – Physics

  • Memberships

Graduate Advanced Management Program – Harvard Business School (US)

Graduate Australian Institution of Company Directors

Fellow and Executive Secretary of the Australian Institute of Navigation

Fellow of the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies